We’ve received lots of very helpful feedback from contractors, service providers and committee members around the broader Strata Master Connect platform including the contractor's service fee charges. To ensure we can best support our contractors, Strata Master Connect has decided to suspend the current service fee on all existing and new jobs effective 24th March 2020.
From this date Strata Master Connect will operate just like the previously used platform whilst still providing all of the additional services and features that it has available.
We have communicated this to each and every contractor, so if they have not had the chance to read the communication, please reassure them of this decision and, as always, never hesitate to get in touch with the support team at support@smata.com
The above being the case, we are aiming to move all work orders via the platform from 20 April 2020. This will reduce crossover of information and increase the efficiency of your strata manager and your trades by using only a single platform.
Rest assured there are no costs for the trades or stakeholders to use the platform.
We will continue to do whatever we can to support you and our contractors to ensure we make this process as simple and effective as possible.
Finally, thank you for all of your ongoing support and feedback.
1 comment
This is a pain in the Back side
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